"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
I just cant keep my mouth shut...
Published on June 14, 2008 By StanlyManly In PC Gaming

I really don't like ISK beggars.  (ISK is Eve's currency)  I especially don't like ISK beggars with an attitude of arrogance about how they deserve free ISK.  I let a certain ISK beggar know exactly how I felt about him.  Terms such as "fucking scumbag", and "lazy sack of shit" were liberally used.


Connection to the server has been lost.  Relogged... You have been banned until 7/12/08.  One solid month.  What really sealed the deal for me though, was the text explaining why...


"Failure to follow the orders of a GM."


Fucking egotistical nazi assholes.  Not even a warning after nearly a month of being on "good" behavior.  2 less subscriptions for them, but not like it will make any difference.  I just can't wrap my head around why some games GM staff feel they can just treat their customers like so much dogshit on the bottom of their shoe.  Reminds me of Turbine.


Oh well, Vanguard was only $4.24 on ebay, so I'll see how that goes.  Maybe SOE will like my subsription dollars and not care if I say a bad word now and then.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 24, 2008
wow EVE i remember EVE... is it just me or is everyone here who plays a goon? (me included =P) last time i was playing Goon was wining the war and it was the other way round to what you guys said. i too have been thinking of returning to eve... mabye all us sinners should get together at some point   
on Jun 24, 2008
Well im not a goon per say, just in there alliance Im in the Battlestars corp lots of nice and funny people
on Jun 24, 2008
Fucking egotistical nazi assholes.  Not even a warning after nearly a month of being on "good" behavior.  2 less subscriptions for them, but not like it will make any difference.  I just can't wrap my head around why some games GM staff feel they can just treat their customers like so much dogshit on the bottom of their shoe.  Reminds me of Turbine.

Hey! I resent that! There's nothing involving 'nazism' here! >=|
Second, how's he egotistical? Asshole.. yeah, I can go with that - a lot of enforcers are. But "nazi"? I fail to see how you're able to discern his political orientation. Especially "nazi" in conjunction with "egotistical" makes even less sense.
on Jun 24, 2008
Just think of a clever acronym for ISK so when the ISK beggars come around you'll give them a load of ISK  

I've never played EVE before because of my damned dial-up  
on Jun 24, 2008
Just think of a clever acronym for ISK so when the ISK beggars come around you'll give them a load of ISK

I said to one of the beggars, "Here, I'll give you a whole bunch." So he was probably thinking he lucked out because found a player that he thought was generous. I gave him one ISK, and ran off the station.  
on Jun 24, 2008
Maybe you should actually look at your own behavior first. The reason you got banned was because you called someone a fucking scum bag, not because Adolf Hitler stole Einstein's time machine and decided to make everyone miserable by posing as a GM and tossing out bans like candy. You broke the rules the developers put up to stop the place from degrading into a crude class-less game like halo, and you should be glad that they actually enforce the rules.

Whether or not you feel like you're entitled to swear on EVE, the GM don't allow it. Good to hear that you're quitting though, it sounds like a place where you can't vent your anger using the f-word obviously isn't the place for you.
on Jun 25, 2008
I have no idea of the circumstances of OPs problem as I dont frequent those kinds of on line Sites, so I wont comment on the validity or otherwise of the circumstance and outcome on this particular event. As a statement of general principles however, Well Said. Those kinds of games are driven by revenue flow not standards, and as long as the gamer keeps turning up and paying their dosh, the owners could care less - whatever their local spin doctor puts out. I dont come on line to be surrounded by morons strutting ego's, get enough of that silly nonsense at work, without being surrounded by them on line just because no one is in reach to give them a right cross around the jaw....

Thank god for Sites like this where there is a line in the sand, and more important, where that line in the sand is enforced - cross it here and your Toast. For that alone, even ignoring the Classic Game they have produced in GalCiv, gets Brad and the Stardock Team a big Big thumbs up from me, and my loyalty as a consumer.

There is a growing unease, bordering on outright rebellion in some parts of the Web on this issue, on many sites. People have become sick and tired of out of control egos. Strong opinions / views are one thing, we all have those, unacceptable behaviour is a different and more serious an issue. Morons are not the only ones who have rights.

on Jul 08, 2008


Ideology is fine and dandy, but it is the practice of selective enforcement that annoys me. If you think that every person that swore in chat got banned, or even warned, then you are sadly mistaken.  Im not patting myself on the back, but I was pretty much the most high profile chatter in the noob corp chat.  Everyone knew me, and at some point, every person who tried to tangle with me in trashtalking got made a fool of.

There were certain people in the game that just flat out lived to see me banned, and hung on my every word, hoping for me to slip up and type out a curse word.  I even had a nice long chat with a GM on a certain person who reported me over 9 times in a row.

You can talk all you want about how "offensive" curse words are, and how "proper" speech should be enforced, but you fail to take into account that each and every person who plays Eve has the ultimate enforcement tool at their personal disposal... the ignore button.  And on the same note, what is the point of not including a curse word filter in the game?  Why do you need enforcers to regulate chat, when you can simply program functionality in chat to not display curse words in the first place?

However, im not too worried about it anymore.  I'm currently playing and enjoying Vanguard, and don't see myself going back to Eve in the near or distant future.

on Jul 12, 2008
And this is why I only play RP MMO's if I'm planning for interaction. Ever heard of Freelancer?
on Jul 30, 2008


Ideology is fine and dandy, but it is the practice of selective enforcement that annoys me. If you think that every person that swore in chat got banned, or even warned, then you are sadly mistaken.


And not everyone who speeds, mugs, or generally acts like a jackhole gets ticketed or called on their behavior. Boohoo. No one should ever get a speeding ticket unless the cop can pull ever single speeder over every day then...


Action have consequences sometimes. You got away with yours for a while and then you didn't. Twice. Grow up.

on Aug 09, 2008
I don't know why they banned you. You sound like you'd fit right into EVE.
on Aug 09, 2008
Isk beggers

What are those?
on Aug 09, 2008
First month of eve is always rough on the potential starter. It involves learning a lot of complex systems and additionally, putting up with jerks. This works both ways of course, people who are literally needing a bit of help, versus those who do it for easy money. New players are oft told to play the game, and rightfully so... the annoying players tends to continue spamming and whining generally being a jerk. Imagine if you were the new guy and asked for help and someone started spouting off like that. Not impressive. On the other hand, when your dealing with an isk spamming jerk, I can relate..... however, that ignore button is there for a reason, to save you from a month long ban because you obviously can't handle dealing with annoying people. At least you'll never get stuck as your corp's diplomat. Wish I could say the same at times....

All the same, EVE is fun.. your best option as a new player is getting the heck out of your new player corp as soon as possible.

As for selective enforcement... it isn't selective. Its called, someone is offended and reports you, so they do something, if no one is offended they never hear about it. Its that simple, being EVE is a worldwide game, you've got all kinds of languages not just English to moderate and that is a real difficult task period.
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